71st General Service Conference

 Read The 71st General Service Conference Reports

Use the buttons below to view the reports in both English and En Español.

Final Resolution of the Preamble Advisory Action

Use the button below to access the final resolution, in PDF form.

71st General Service Conference Reports & Materials

Delegate’s Report-Back

Advisory Actions / Acciones Recomendables

Committee Considerations / Consideraciones de los Comites

Recommendations NOT Resulting in Advisory Actions / Recomendaciones que NO llegaron a ser Acciones Recomendables


Presentation, 71st GSC

Presentation, 70th GSC

Final Agenda for 71st GSC

AAWS Highlights, October, 2021: English Spanish

AAWS Highlights, June, 2021: English Spanish

AAWS Highlights, January, 2021: English Spanish

AAWS Highlights, December, 2020: English Spanish

71st GSC Final Report: English Spanish

70th GSC Final Report: English Spanish

70th GSC Final Financial Report: English Spanish